First Year
Improve the academic lives of over 50 children. With help from the tutors, good food and a positive learning environment, all the 15 children at the Center rose to the top of their classes in the local public school within the year. 36 other village children who are tutored twice a week as part of the partnership project with local public schools are improving academically and are now able to read and write. An evaluation is carried out each month.

Impact the lives of village women. The Center staff
saw great changes in the women from the three villages
where the children come from- they are learning to
prepare food new ways, learning about proper hygiene and better child care. The mother’s lives are being transformed, their attitudes are changing as they learn all these new skills- introducing modernization to the villages.

Raise awarenesss about how to organize communities. Meetings each month in the village with the BLC staff, help the villagers learn to structure themselves to advocate for their needs; for education, water, agricultural needs, etc. They are learning what representation means, and awareness-raising of issues.
Cultivate a large garden. Children who stay at the Center learned gardening, and positive eating and health practices, among other things.
Fund skills training for three out of school youth. Two teen girls are learning sewing, and one young man is learning tile work. This generated a sense of hope to these students who didn’t have funds to go to school. The BLC plans to fund many more students in the future.